Hanger Clinic at AAOP 2023

Date and Time
Opryland Hotel
Don’t miss the chance to rebuild, reconnect, and reunite with Hanger Clinic researchers, specialists, and expert clinicians at the 2023 American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP) National Assembly in Nashville, Tennessee. Taking place from March 1-4, 2023, join a community of O&P professionals working together to write the next chapter of quality O&P patient care. The AAOP2023 experience offers fresh insight across the full spectrum of O&P specialties.
The Academy Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium brings together hundreds of O&P practitioners, academicians, researchers, and industry partners to explore and collaborate in an enriching and interactive environment.
You’ll have the opportunity to:
- Explore trending and emerging topics that impact O&P patient care and discover innovative strategies and solutions to implement in your practice.
- Attend multiple breakout sessions presented by your colleagues in O&P who share their experiences and insight into developing innovative methodologies to help advance our profession.
- Expand your network of professional colleagues.
- Earn continuing education credit.
Sessions with Hanger Clinic Speakers
To view details, dates and times for the below featured sessions, search the preliminary schedule.
Thranhardt Lectures
- PROMIS-UE Physical Function demonstrates good clinical utility for patients following upper limb prosthesis intervention
- Initial construct validity of the Orthotic Patient-Reported Outcomes – Mobility (OPRO-M) item bank for assessing mobility of lower limb orthosis users
- Balkman G, Bamer A, Phil Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, Eric Weber, L/CPO, FAAOP(D), Salem R, Morgan S, Hafner B
- Recently released clinical practice guidelines on rehabilitation following upper limb amputation
- Phil Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, Webster J
- Prosthetic Knee Selection: Match Functional Principles and Clinical Evidence of Knees with Patients´ Safety and Mobility Needs
- Bellmann M, Hahn A, Kannenberg A, Phil Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, Shane Wurdeman, PhD, CP, FAAOP(D)
- Tactical advantages on the Evidence Based Battlefield
- Kenworthy S, Phil Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, Fatone S, Walker N, Kriche E, Marmar S, Wright B
- Changing Tides: Workplace Culture & Employee Retention in O&P
- Erin O’Brien, CPO, FAAOP, Eddy Gosschalk, CPO
- Gait Training for Adult and Pediatric Orthotic Users
- Next to Hit the Shelves: Technologies to Impact the O&P Profession in the near Future
- Partial Foot Amputation: Surgery and O&P Treatment Considerations
- Impact on Research Funding on the Future of O&P
- Lessons Learned: What School Doesn’t Teach about Difficult Interpersonal Situations on Clinical Practice
- Stacey Brown, Board Eligible Clinician
Free Papers
- Well-Being, bimanual upper limb function, activity & participation and prosthesis satisfaction are strongly correlated among individuals with upper limb loss
- Self-reported prosthetic use: Implications on prosthetic design and training
- Phil Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, Borgia M, Heinemann AW, Ni P, Resnik L
- Impact of unilateral transradial prostheses in upper limb utilization relative to able-bodied controls: Insights from wireless accelerometer data
- Phil Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, Motawar B, Buchanan, K, Frey SH
- Lifetime Mobility Values Following Lower Limb Loss
- Ground Reaction Forces During Running and Walking with a Bimodal Run/walk Ankle Prosthesis
- Kristin Perrin, CPO – Hanger Clinic
- Treatment of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis Following Lumbar Fusion: A Case Study
- Improved Promis Global Health for Individuals Seeking Orthotic Intervention
- Orthotist Use of Outcome Measures in Clinic
Featured Hanger Clinic Speakers

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