Clinical Practice Guidelines
Setting a new standard of care through evidence-based clinical recommendations.

Over the past decade, clinical guidelines have increasingly become a familiar part of clinical practice. Clinical decisions, rules of operation at hospitals and clinics, and health spending by governments and insurers are all influenced by guidelines.
Our goal at the Hanger Institute is to provide clinicians with evidence-based recommendations, so they can deliver the best possible orthotic and prosthetic care.
The overall process and guiding principles we employ for Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are modeled after the established American College of Physicians (ACP) CPG program structure. Our CPG statements follow a multistep development process and are based upon the best available evidence related to a specific pathology or episode of care.
CPG Manuscripts
Prosthetic Knee Selection for Individuals with Unilateral Transfemoral Amputation: A Clinical Practice Guideline
Prosthetic Foot Selection for Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation: A Clinical Practice Guideline
Transtibial Socket Design, Suspension and Interface: A Clinical Practice Guideline
Prosthetic Management of Unilateral Transradial Amputation and Limb Deficiency: Consensus Clinical Standards of Care
Orthotic Management of Deformational Plagiocephaly: Consensus Clinical Standards of Care
CPG Abstracts
Established Benefits of Lower Limb Orthoses in Stroke Rehabilitation
Established Indications, Benefits and Shortcomings of Lower Limb Orthoses in the Management of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Functional Electrical Stimulation as a Remediation for Gait Deficits in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis
Indications, Benefits and Potential Shortcomings of Lower Limb Orthoses in the Management of Children with Hypotonia
Lower Extremity Orthotics Management of Paraplegia due to Spinal Cord (SCI)
Lower Extremity Prosthetic Gait Training
Orthotic Management of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)
Perioperative Management of Transtibial Amputation
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