Published Research

Dissemination of results is a key component that defines research. Scientific peer-review is the standard through which research is judged and critiqued by the established expert community. Through this process, research is able to mature so that it may be translated into evidence and subsequently help improve clinical care.

Stability and Falls Evaluation after AMPutation (SAFE-AMP) is a series* of studies that will examine the need for greater access to appropriate rehabilitation solutions for below and above-knee amputees in the diabetes community.
ORION Series
The Orthotic Research Initiative for Outcomes aNalysis (ORION) series* is aimed at advancing clinical practice and improving outcomes for patients seeking orthotic intervention.
OASIS Series
The Outcomes ASsessment and DISsemination (OASIS) series compares the effectiveness of a variety of orthotic and prosthetic components across different patient groups to ultimately impact and enhance patient outcomes.
The IMPACT series analyzes data on adults with lower limb amputation (n=510) obtained from a nationally representative administrative claims database (Watson) to find and interpret useful patterns.
MAAT Series
The Mobility Analysis of AmpuTees series is comprised of seven separate landmark studies that represent one of the largest multicenter retrospective analyses of mobility among users of lower limb prostheses.
*Only the first study in the SAFEAMP series and ORION series are published at this time.
Individual Studies
Comprehensive Craniometry for Sagittal Synostosis
Neurosurgical Focus
January 2025
Utilization of Orthoses and Assistive Devices Among a National Sample of Lower Limb Orthosis Users
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
July 29, 2024
Development and initial validation of the Orthotic Patient-Reported Outcomes-Mobility (OPRO-M): An item bank for evaluating mobility of people who use lower-limb orthoses
PLoS One
November 2, 2023
GGEM: Gender, Geography, and EMployment differences based on mobility levels among lower limb prosthesis users living in the United States
Prosthetics and Orthotics International
June 2023
Creating Adjusted Scores Targeting mobiLity Empowerment (CASTLE 1): Determination of Normative Mobility Scores After Lower Limb Amputation for Each Year of Adulthood
Disability and Rehabilitation
September 28, 2022
Microprocessor Feet Improve Prosthetic Mobility and Physical Function Relative to Non-microprocessor Feet
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
July 11, 2022
Prosthetic Management of Unilateral Transradial Amputation and Limb Deficiency: Consensus Clinical Standards of Care
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
December 17, 2021
The Value of Health Economics and Outcomes Research in Prosthetics and Orthotics
Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal 4(2)
September 2021
Value and Applicability of Large Administrative Healthcare Databases in Prosthetics and Orthotics Outcomes Research
Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal 4(2)
September 2021
Modified Cephalic Index Measured at Superior Levels of the Cranium Revealed Improved Correction With Helmet Therapy for Patients With Sagittal Suture Craniosynostosis
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
August 13, 2021
Quantifying Orthotic Correction of Trigonocephaly Using Optical Surface Scanning
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
February 25, 2021
Clinical Outcome Measures to Evaluate the Effects of Orthotic Management Post-Stroke: A Systematic Review
Disability and Rehabilitation
January 13, 2021
Assessment of a 9-Item PROMIS UE Instrument
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
July 15, 2020
Factors Associated With Health-Related Quality of Life in People Living With Partial Foot or Transtibial Amputation
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
May 28, 2020
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