Erin O’Brien, CPO, FAAOP

Clinician and Clinical Education Specialist
Cranial Helmets

The CARE (Cranial Asymmetry Remolding Experts) Network is comprised of the nation’s leading orthotists specializing in the management of cranial asymmetries.
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Built upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
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Erin O’Brien, CPO, FAAOP

Clinician and Clinical Education Specialist
Cranial Helmets

The CARE (Cranial Asymmetry Remolding Experts) Network is comprised of the nation’s leading orthotists specializing in the management of cranial asymmetries.
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Built upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
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Erin is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Portland, Oregon. She started with Hanger Clinic in Houston, Texas, more than ten years ago. She enjoys the unique balance provided by the O&P field: She both gets to work with patients and gets to use power tools and her hand skills in the lab to make something that will help someone in their daily life.

Erin specializes in care for pediatric patients and for patients with upper limb amputation or limb deficiency. She sees all sorts of different pediatric orthotics patients, including patients with scoliosis, cerebral palsy, and spina bifida.

As part of her focus on pediatric orthotic care, Erin provides cranial remolding orthoses, and likes meeting her infant patients and their families early on and then watching the child grow through the course of their treatment. She loves it when families complete treatment and then tell her that it was much easier than what they were expecting.

Erin’s time is currently split between the clinic and Clinical and Scientific Affairs, where she spends time educating clinicians (both part of and outside of Hanger Clinic), researching and establishing clinical practice guidelines, and testing new and emerging technology.

Outside of work, Erin enjoys being outdoors in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, baking complicated desserts, and traveling with her husband.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, 2003
  • Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics, University of Washington, 2008


  • Fellow of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, 2016
  • Examiner for American Board for Certification, CPM, 2015 – Present
  • Member, Audit Committee for American Board for Certification, CPM, 2019 – Present
  • Member, ABC Scope of Practice Committee, 2018 – Present
  • Member, Hanger Clinic Clinician Advisory Council, 2019 – Present
  • Member, Hanger Clinic Cranial Remolding Orthoses Taskforce, 2019 – Present


  • Schultea, Fanny, and Erin O’Brien. “Development of an Alternative Design for an Interscapulothoracic-Level Cosmetic Shoulder Restoration.” JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 27.3 (2015): 103-107.
  • Tolani, Akshay S., et al. “Understanding Changes in Physical Activity Among Lower Limb Prosthesis Users: A COVID‐19 Case Series.” Pm & R (2020)

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Our commitment is to listen to you, get to know you as a person, and do everything we can to help you achieve your potential.

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