Orthotic and Prosthetic Care in Missouri
You can also call 1 (877) 442-6437 for assistance locating the closest clinic for your specific care needs.
Found 20 clinics in Missouri
19550 East 39th Street
Centerpoint Medical Center Suite 115
Independence, MO 64057 Phone: (816) 478-4318
Fax: (816) 478-6087
1001 Diamond Ridge Road
Suite 500
Jefferson City, MO 65109 Phone: (573) 761-3115
Fax: (573) 761-3116
2401 Gillham Road
Suite 0401.08 - Inside Children's Mercy Hospital
Kansas City, MO 64108 Phone: (816) 234-1588
Fax: (816) 855-1730
2340 East Meyer Boulevard
Building 2, Suite 394
Kansas City, MO 64132 Phone: (816) 363-6886
Fax: (816) 363-8998
2700 Clay Edwards Drive
Suite 250
North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: (816) 453-8080
Fax: (816) 453-8509
150 St. Peters Centre Boulevard
Suite A
St. Peters, MO 63376 Phone: (636) 922-3260
Fax: (636) 922-3261
1828 East 9th Street
Eastgate Shopping Center
Trenton, MO 64683 Phone: (660) 339-7094
Fax: (660) 339-7243