Orthotic and Prosthetic Care in North Carolina
You can also call 1 (877) 442-6437 for assistance locating the closest clinic for your specific care needs.
Found 25 clinics in North Carolina
166 Springbrook Avenue
Spring Branch Medical Pavillion, Suite 203
Clayton, NC 27520 Phone: (919) 585-4173
Fax: (919) 879-8248
1352 Matthews Township Parkway
Suite 101
Matthews, NC 28105 Phone: (704) 841-4388
Fax: (704) 849-7727
113 Kandemor Lane
Sunset West Building
Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Phone: (252) 443-5116
Fax: (252) 443-5347
350 Jake Alexander Boulevard West
Suite 103
Salisbury, NC 28147 Phone: (704) 633-4000
Fax: (704) 633-4200