Kelly Nguyen, MPO, CPO


Built upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
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Kelly Nguyen, MPO, CPO


Built upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
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Kelly is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist that specializes in adult and pediatric orthotics from head to toe, including cranial remolding helmets for infants.

As a CPO clinician, she takes pride in comprehensive evals and implementing P&O solutions that help patients achieve their individual goals like enhanced mobility and independence, scoliosis management, and more. Her education includes a Biomechanical Engineering undergraduate degree from Stanford University and Master of Prosthetics and Orthotics from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She completed her orthotics residency at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly Rehab Institute of Chicago).

Outside of work, her hobbies include West Coast Swing social dancing or reading – just not at the same time.

Clinic Locations

Vista Vista
1968 Via Centre,
Suite A
Vista, CA 92081
Fax: (760) 941-6452

The Hanger Clinic Experience

Our commitment is to listen to you, get to know you as a person, and do everything we can to help you achieve your potential.

More About the Experience