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Yeshua Ashworth, CPO
Clinic Manager
iThe CARE (Cranial Asymmetry Remolding Experts) Network is comprised of the nation’s leading orthotists specializing in the management of cranial asymmetries.
Learn moreiBuilt upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
Learn moreYeshua is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist with more than a decade of experience who focuses on lower limb prosthetics, upper and lower limb orthotics, and cranial remolding orthoses. Yeshua completed his residencies in Lexington, Kentucky, where he continued to work for eight years. During this time, he was able to strengthen valuable clinical skills with upper […]
View Full ProfileYeshua is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist with more than a decade of experience who focuses on lower limb prosthetics, upper and lower limb orthotics, and cranial remolding orthoses. Yeshua completed his residencies in Lexington, Kentucky, where he continued to work for eight years. During this time, he was able to strengthen valuable clinical skills with upper […]
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Yoni Diamond, CPO
Clinic Manager
Yoni Diamond, CPO, is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist at multiple Hanger Clinic locations in New York City and is also involved in education and published research. A graduate of Eastern Michigan University, Yoni received a master’s degree in prosthetics and orthotics after discovering his passion for the field through his service in the Peace Corps. His […]
View Full ProfileYoni Diamond, CPO, is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist at multiple Hanger Clinic locations in New York City and is also involved in education and published research. A graduate of Eastern Michigan University, Yoni received a master’s degree in prosthetics and orthotics after discovering his passion for the field through his service in the Peace Corps. His […]
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