Prosthetists and Orthotists Near You
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Christopher Surface, CPO
iBuilt upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
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Clinic Locations
Walnut Creek350 North Wiget Ln
Suite 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 274-5980
Fax: (925) 274-5992
Clinic Locations
Sun City10615 West Thunderbird Blvd
Suite D165
Sun City, AZ 85351
Phone: (623) 977-2221
Fax: (623) 977-5589
Claire Gallagher, L/CPO
Claire is an ABC-certified, Texas-licensed orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Cedar Park, Texas. She works with patients of all ages and is passionate about pediatrics. She provides a variety of orthotic care, and specializes in treating individuals with scoliosis. Additionally, Claire supports local clinicians with spasticity, spina bifida, and spinal clinics. Claire’s educational background focused […]
View Full ProfileClaire is an ABC-certified, Texas-licensed orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Cedar Park, Texas. She works with patients of all ages and is passionate about pediatrics. She provides a variety of orthotic care, and specializes in treating individuals with scoliosis. Additionally, Claire supports local clinicians with spasticity, spina bifida, and spinal clinics. Claire’s educational background focused […]
View Full ProfileClinic Locations
Cedar Park1301 Medical Pkwy
Suite 120
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: (512) 645-3184
Fax: (512) 379-2112
Claire Kilpatrick, MSPO, L/CPO
iBuilt upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
Learn moreClaire is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. As a clinician, Claire sees patients of all ages and has expertise in lower extremity prostheses, including training in microprocessor technologies such as Ottobock C-Leg 4, Ossur Rheo, Blatchford Linx, Ottobock Meridium, and Blatchford Elan. She also specializes in adult and pediatric lower extremity […]
View Full ProfileClaire is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. As a clinician, Claire sees patients of all ages and has expertise in lower extremity prostheses, including training in microprocessor technologies such as Ottobock C-Leg 4, Ossur Rheo, Blatchford Linx, Ottobock Meridium, and Blatchford Elan. She also specializes in adult and pediatric lower extremity […]
View Full ProfileClinic Locations
Chicago2835 North Sheffield Ave
Suite 301
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: (773) 472-3663
Fax: (773) 472-3668