Prosthetists and Orthotists Near You
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Alicja Boniecka, CO
iBuilt upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
Learn moreAlicja specializes in Lower Extremity orthotics, and is currently serving Paley Clinic helping patients with severe congenital orthopedic deformities. She likes that orthotics can help people continue to be mobile despite physical disability. Education
View Full ProfileAlicja specializes in Lower Extremity orthotics, and is currently serving Paley Clinic helping patients with severe congenital orthopedic deformities. She likes that orthotics can help people continue to be mobile despite physical disability. Education
View Full ProfileClinic Locations
Fort Lauderdale2122 NW 62nd St
Suite 101
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: (954) 731-8000
Fax: (954) 731-8002
Clinic Locations
Saint Joseph2500 Niles Rd
Suite 11
Saint Joseph, MI 49085
Phone: (269) 408-4800
Fax: (269) 408-0034
Alison Howard Donovan, CPO
Alison is an ABC-certified prosthetist orthotist practicing for Hanger Clinic in Rosedale, MD (Franklin Square). Alison provides comprehensive clinical orthotic and prosthetic care for patients with a multitude of diagnoses. Alison specializes in complex orthotic interventions including scoliosis bracing, spinal interventions, custom carbon composite devices, and pediatric devices. With an interest in advanced technologies, Alison […]
View Full ProfileAlison is an ABC-certified prosthetist orthotist practicing for Hanger Clinic in Rosedale, MD (Franklin Square). Alison provides comprehensive clinical orthotic and prosthetic care for patients with a multitude of diagnoses. Alison specializes in complex orthotic interventions including scoliosis bracing, spinal interventions, custom carbon composite devices, and pediatric devices. With an interest in advanced technologies, Alison […]
View Full ProfileClinic Locations
Rosedale9101 Franklin Square Dr
Suite 214
Rosedale, MD 21237
Phone: (443) 231-3740
Fax: (443) 552-3015
Alissa Magness, CPed
Alissa Magness is an ABC-certified pedorthist. As a pedorthist, she is specifically trained and educated to manage comprehensive foot-related patient care for patients of all ages. Alissa loves that she is able to contribute to the health and comfort of her community. She is a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno, where she completed […]
View Full ProfileAlissa Magness is an ABC-certified pedorthist. As a pedorthist, she is specifically trained and educated to manage comprehensive foot-related patient care for patients of all ages. Alissa loves that she is able to contribute to the health and comfort of her community. She is a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno, where she completed […]
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Clinic Locations
New Castle3124 Wilmington Rd
Suite 101
New Castle, PA 16105
Phone: (724) 510-3470
Fax: (724) 498-0661
Allison Aadland
Board Eligible Clinician
Allison is a clinical resident for Hanger Clinic in Minneapolis, MN. Allison has always had a desire to work in the medical field helping others. She is passionate about the field of orthotics and prosthetics because you can help patients restore mobility and live their best life. She is excited to put her knowledge into […]
View Full ProfileAllison is a clinical resident for Hanger Clinic in Minneapolis, MN. Allison has always had a desire to work in the medical field helping others. She is passionate about the field of orthotics and prosthetics because you can help patients restore mobility and live their best life. She is excited to put her knowledge into […]
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