Featured Technology: Hanger Clinic AmpuShield Limb Protectors

After amputation surgery, it is very important to protect your residual limb and to prevent falls. Falls can cause your sutures (stitches) to reopen, which delays the healing process.
Over 40 years of published evidence demonstrates the advantages of removable rigid dressings (RRDs) versus soft dressings to achieve optimal outcomes in post-operative amputation patients.1, 2, 3, 4 Some of the benefits include:
- Allowing for easy visual inspection of the wound at any time
- Expediting healing
- Promoting earlier ambulation
- Reducing length of acute hospital stay
- Providing limb protection that eliminates the need for revisions due to falls
- Controlling edema
- Preventing contractures
Our proprietary line of AmpuShield® limb protectors are appropriate for all transtibial (below-knee) and transfemoral (above-knee) amputation patients. The soft inner liner is gentle on the surgical site, and a rigid frame provides all the benefits of RRDs. AmpuShield is available from your local Hanger Clinic office and is measured and fit the same day for most patients.
- Highsmith JM et al. Prosthetic interventions for people with transtibial amputation: Systematic review and meta-analysis of high-quality prospective literature and systematic review: J Rehabil Res Dev. 2016;52(2):157-84.
- Churilov I, Churilov L, Murphy. Do rigid dressing reduce the time from amputation to prosthetic fitting? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Vasc Surg. 2014 Oct;28(7):1801-8.
- Geertzen J et al. Dutch evidence-based guidelines for amputation and prosthetics for the lower extremity: Amputation surgery and postoperative management. Part 1. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2015 Oct;39(5):351-60.
- Nawijn SE, H van der Linde, CH Emmelot and CJ Hofstad. Stump management after transtibial amputation: A systematic review. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2005;29(1):13-26.
Request AmpuShield
If you or a loved one is considering amputation or has recently undergone an amputation, ask about being fit with an AmpuShield. Speak with your surgeon, or call you local clinic today.
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