Prosthetists and Orthotists Near You
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Benjamin Guenther, CPO
Ben Guenther is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Tyler, Texas. As a clinician with more than 12 years of experience, Ben specializes in lower extremity prosthetics and orthotics, and enjoys pediatric orthotics. He has practiced in three different states, working in private practices, and for a level one trauma hospital. He currently serves […]
View Full ProfileBen Guenther is an ABC-certified prosthetist/orthotist for Hanger Clinic in Tyler, Texas. As a clinician with more than 12 years of experience, Ben specializes in lower extremity prosthetics and orthotics, and enjoys pediatric orthotics. He has practiced in three different states, working in private practices, and for a level one trauma hospital. He currently serves […]
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Clinic Locations
Wheat Ridge7615 West 38th Ave
Suite B111
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: (303) 423-8510
Fax: (303) 421-4883
Clinic Locations
Mankato1400 Madison Ave
Madison East Center, Suite 330
Mankato, MN 56001
Phone: (507) 625-2941
Fax: (507) 625-8564
Clinic Locations
San Marcos1340 Wonder World Dr
Building 1, Suite 102
San Marcos, TX 78666
Phone: (512) 754-9928
Fax: (512) 754-9950
Betsy Cogswell, CO
Clinic Manager
iThe CARE (Cranial Asymmetry Remolding Experts) Network is comprised of the nation’s leading orthotists specializing in the management of cranial asymmetries.
Learn moreiBuilt upon a strong foundation of clinical expertise and education, Hanger Clinic Pediatric Specialists bring high-quality, individualized care to children from infancy to young adulthood.
Learn moreElizabeth (Betsy) is an ABC-certified orthotist and a Clinic Manager for Hanger Clinic in Jackson, MI. As a clinic manager with more than 15 years of experience, Betsy enjoys working with patients of all ages and constantly strives to further advance her knowledge-base in the pediatric realm. As a former athletic trainer, she is passionate […]
View Full ProfileElizabeth (Betsy) is an ABC-certified orthotist and a Clinic Manager for Hanger Clinic in Jackson, MI. As a clinic manager with more than 15 years of experience, Betsy enjoys working with patients of all ages and constantly strives to further advance her knowledge-base in the pediatric realm. As a former athletic trainer, she is passionate […]
View Full ProfileClinic Locations
Jackson744 West Michigan Ave
Suite 100A
Jackson, MI 49201
Phone: (517) 783-1313
Fax: (517) 783-4190