Microprocessor Knees
Microprocessor knees, sometimes referred to as computer-controlled knees, use technology that offers safer walking with less effort, making it easier to navigate hills, ramps, and uneven terrain with greater stability.
Sensors within microprocessor knees constantly gather movement and timing data, which the knees then interpret to make any necessary adjustments. They detect stumbles in real time, automatically adjusting their stiffness and allowing the user to catch themselves to avoid a fall.
Microprocessor knees are generally best suited for people with moderate to active lifestyles who navigate uneven terrain or more basic environmental obstacles like curbs and sloped surfaces. They are especially beneficial to individuals with bilateral limb loss, as the seamless adjustments of microprocessor knees help users feel more safe and confident as they navigate daily activities.
Some important things to consider include that this type of knee is slightly heavier than some other types of prosthetic knees, and that microprocessor knees require battery monitoring and frequent recharging.
Many users find that microprocessor knees pair well with microprocessor feet.
More About Microprocessor Feet >
Consult with a Prosthetist
To see if a microprocessor knee might be right for you, find a clinic near you and request a free consultation with one of our board-certified prosthetists.

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