Published Research
Building the body of evidence to demonstrate the value of our care and reinforce our commitment to our patients, our care teams, and partners.
April 5, 2022
MAAT VII: Normative Mobility Values for Lower Limb Prosthesis Users of Varying Age, Etiology, and Amputation Level
January 11, 2022
SAFE-AMP 1: Microprocessor Knee Technology Reduces Odds of Incurring an Injurious Fall for Individuals with Diabetic/Dysvascular Amputation
October 29, 2021
ORION 1: Predictors of PROMIS Physical Function in Stroke Survivors Seeking Orthotic Intervention
March 22, 2021
Research Review: Quantifying Orthotic Correction of Trigonocephaly Using Optical Surface Scanning
January 5, 2021
OASIS 1 Review: Harnessing Research to Inform Microprocessor Knee Selection
November 5, 2020
OASIS 1: Retrospective Analysis of Four Different Microprocessor Knee Types
October 6, 2020
IMPACT 2: The Role of Earlier Receipt of a Lower Limb Prosthesis on Emergency Department Utilization
July 9, 2020
The IMPACT Study: Your Top 8 Questions, Answered
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